The role of the Messaging and Positioning Guide is to ensure the brand is communicated appropriately, with relevance and without losing its focus. It will provide the brand team, its partners and network with a clear, accurate, and compelling description of the brand.
The Guide will become the single point of truth for the brand, it will contain boiler plates that can be
cut and pasted into proposals and press releases, for example, saving time and effort. Key sections
will also be developed as copy that can be used in marketing communications.

“Bruce brought with him a keen strategic vision and a spirit of collaboration and encouragement - and the first integrated demand generation campaign exceeded our KPIs by 400%!”
Uwe Weiss, CEO, Blue Yonder
This will ensure that the emphasis, content and language of the brand can be easily and consistently applied across its channels, services and initiatives.
It will help the team and its stakeholders move in the same direction and, will ensure that the investment in all marketing and communications is used to maximum effect.
WELCOMEIntroduces the brand, explains the guide’s role, outlines its contents, states its purpose, and provides instructions on its use.
COMPANYDescribes the problem the company solves and how, lists five key benefits, explains the features delivering those benefits, and outlines what makes the company different and relevant.
BRAND STRATEGYCovers the brand’s vision and how it can be delivered, defines its positioning, describes the brand proposition, explains the values and how to use them, and outlines the tone of voice.
SERVICESProvides an overview of services, detailing what each does, delivers, and who it’s for, along with benefits, delivery methods, and proof points.
MESSAGINGIncludes the elevator pitch, key message hierarchy, copy structure with headline, subhead, and body, a boilerplate for the brand and products, and responses for handling objections.
AUDIENCEDescribes the audience, their challenges and needs, relevant services, detailed personas, and endorsements.
APPENDICESIncludes a glossary, competitive review, team bios, and a case study and insight template.